Creating an Animated 404 Page

This time we are going to create an animated 404 page, which will make the experience of running into the notorious 404 error a lot less frustrating. You can also easily modify and improve it.

A Simple Movie Search App w/ jQuery UI

In this tutorial, we are using jQuery UI's autocomplete widget, to build a simple AJAX movie search form. The script is going to use's free API, to provide auto suggestions against a vast database of movie titles.

An AJAX Click to Appreciate Badge

If you've ever dropped by Behance, you've probably noticed their appreciate badge, with which you can show your appreciation for somebody's creative work. In this tutorial we are making an improved version, which you can include in every page of your site with a bit of jQuery magic.

Simple AJAX Commenting System

This time, we are making a Simple AJAX Commenting System. It will feature a gravatar integration and demonstrate how to achieve effective communication between jQuery and PHP/MySQL with the help of JSON.

CSS3 Minimalistic Navigation Menu

Today we are making something practical - a simple CSS3 animated navigation menu, which degrades gracefully and is future-proofed to work with the next generation of browsers.

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